Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So, I have noticed that my Women's Studies professor says "all" all wrong. Instead of saying "all" with an "ahll" she says "oll." This absolutely drives me insane.. I would love to tell her that she is speaking incorrectly but that would not be good for my grade. Also my grandmother says "warsh" for wash which is common amongst older people but that as well drives me crazy. Since the day we talked about saying retarded I have noticed myself when I say the word and to this day I think of the conversation in class and the fact that I may be offending someone around me. So I try to not use the word but like we discussed, is there a replacement word? I'm not sure.. Well those are some observations I have made recently. 

Monday, September 1, 2008

Week One Readings..

I found the week one readings very interesting. I pulled two quotes from each one both similar that i thought were good. From the Corballis reading I thought it was interesting that he said "language might well have evolved as a sophisticated form of ritualized and grammaticalized gestures." I liked this because it made me think of people just using their hands and facial expressions to communicate and then sound came after, like people who are today using sign language. in the next article i found somewhat of a similar quote from Elizabeth Bates. She stated this, "Gesture and language share a common neural substrate. This is consistent with the idea that vocal language grew out of gestural language, though it is also consistent with them developing side by side." I enjoyed reading about how similar humans and chimps are. I also believe chimps would be able to communicate with words if they had the larynx and pharynx in the same position as we do. I can't wait for more information on how language evolved.