Sunday, October 12, 2008

Observation 3

I am guilty of saying words incorrectly even though I know its wrong, I can't seem to fix it... EVER. I have tried trust me. I have grown up my whole life say fingernail as "fingernell." My parents, brother, friends, and family all make fun of me for this and every time I have tried to fix this annoying habit I can't. If I concentrate on saying it and say it slowly then I can say it correctly but if I am talking normal then I cant say it right. So because I have so much difficulty saything this word along with toenail, I try to avoid them. 
I have really slacked off on these blogs because I am never sure on what to blog about. But I found a good topic. So when I signed up for classes in the spring for fall semester I was only trying to pick out classes that I needed for my major and I heard this class was hard and didn't want to take it but it was the only other class not filled, so I signed up. After getting in the class and actually finding out what we would be learning and such I began to like it and it interested me. My friend goes to school in Davis and she was going to take Ling as well. I told her before she left that she would love the class because it was intriguing and it actually made me think and do work. When she got to school and her classes began she said she loved Ling and was glad she was taking it. This class could be a lot harder and much more boring if it wasn't for you. Thanks.


In class we always talk about the chapters we are covering and then I go home and read the chapter we are covering. I like to get your lectures before I read the chapter because I better understand it. Although this has worked with the other chapters, I found your lecture to be way more beneficial to me than chapter 7. After reading chapter 7 i had to go back to my notes and remember your lecture because it was more confusing the way they put things. It did help in some areas but I think you are a great lecturer, or better yet a great professor. And I love the fact that you make class fun and you have a sense of humor, and can laugh and make jokes.. makes people actually look forward to class.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Observation 2

Once again another observation. My grandmother comes and stays at my family's house every other weekend, and after this semester started and I started learning about Linguistics and language I have been paying a lot more attention to the way people speak and the words they use. Well one weekend my grandma came down and we were talking one night and I heard her say the words "warsh" and "harse." Instead it should have been wash, and horse. I'm not sure why but a lot of the older people I know say those words like that and I'm not sure why or where it came from. I was tempted to ask her why she says it like that, but then I didn't because I didn't want to criticize the way she speaks.